Every piece of art being created is so much more than the visual outcome alone...it's the journey not the destination.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Medicine For My Lemon Man

"Medicine For My Lemon Man" is an oil on 14.5 x 20cm gesso'ed board.  I put my shadow box in action this week and did a still life set-up of whisky, honey and a lemon.  I have drawn from life before, but never painted anything from life, so this was a first for me.  I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process.  
The story behind the painting...Recently my husband, Adrian was horribly sick with flu and his best friend, whom lives just around the corner from us, made him a 'Hot Toddy' for the flu. Well I am sure the 'Hot Toddy' did the trick and that gave me the idea to paint the ingredients.
So I asked Adrian on one fine day, when he was feeling a lot better, to please pop into the shop on his way home from work and buy me a lemon. I said to him that it must not just be any lemon...it must please be a beautiful lemon, one that is firm, smooth (not the rough skinned ones) and beautifully shaped. I have such a sweet husband! He got to the fruit and vegetable section and looked through the lemons. He did not find one to his satisfaction and my description. He asked one of the assistants in the section if they have any great looking lemons, as he really needs a beautiful lemon for his wife. Now I did not mention to him that I would like to use it in a still life set-up and paint it, however knowing how my brain works he figured it out already.smile emoticon
The assistant in the department went to fetch a box out of the cooler room and my sweet darling husband went through the lemons until he found the perfect one...actually he bought two.
Excitement over the little things in life ~ As he got home and handed me the lemons with a big smile while telling me the story, I had the most wonderful feeling of excitement, butterflies in my tummy as if he just gave me the biggest diamond in the world. So since then I call him my Lemon Man. Together we will make Lemonade.

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